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American Association for Women in Community Colleges

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AAWCC Awards

The AAWCC Board of Directors takes pride in honoring outstanding women leaders and model programs from across the nation at the Awards Breakfast each year. Our awards for outstanding women include the: 

Carolyn Desjardins CEO Award
Mildred Bulpitt Woman of the Year Award
Trustee of the Year Award 

Award winners are recognized each year at the AAWCC Breakfast at the AACC Annual Convention. 

In the fall, the Doctoral and Regional scholarships, Under 40, and Model Program awards are  presented. The application/nomination period and deadlines for each of the awards will be announced in the summer.

Annual Awards Breakfast


Please join the American Association for Women in Community Colleges on Sunday, April 13, 2025 from 7:00 am to 8:30 am as we celebrate 50 years of changing women's lives through education, service, and leadership development. The deadline for nomination is March 3, 2025

Join us as we take time to honor recipients of the:

Carolyn Desjardins CEO Award
Mildred Bulpitt Woman of the Year Award
Trustee of the Year Award

You won't want to miss the Awards Breakfast on Sunday, April 13! It will be held during the AACC Annual Convention in Nashville, TN.

Under 40 Awards

Award Information: 

The purpose of the AAWCC Women Under 40 award is to recognize and elevate exceptional women from community colleges who are consistently surpassing expectations. Each year, we seek to recognize up to 40 rising stars who are making a difference beyond the scope of their primary positions.  This is an annual recognition of the youngest community college women  who are movers, shakers, and influencers on their community college campuses. You may nominate yourself or someone else. The deadline for nominations for the Under 40 awards is fall 2025.

AAWCC will review each nomination. Please be accurate, brief, and convincing. The nomination includes:

  • Basic demographic information
  • Personal description (not to exceed 300 words) that describes the nominee's accomplishments and impact. 
  • Statement of support from a campus leader (vice president or above, if possible). This is a supplemental statement of 150 words or less containing relevant community college and/or contextual information that supports the information.
  • A head shot of the nominee is also required. 
Previously named AAWCC Under 40 recipients are ineligible for recognition. The Under 40 class will be featured on the AAWCC website and at our annual Leadership Conference in October, along with other opportunities.

Of The Year Awards

Award Information: 

The purpose of the AAWCC Women Under 40 award is to recognize and elevate exceptional women from community colleges who are consistently surpassing expectations. Each year, we seek to recognize up to 40 rising stars who are making a difference beyond the scope of their primary positions.  This is an annual recognition of the youngest community college women  who are movers, shakers, and influencers on their community college campuses. You may nominate yourself or someone else. The deadline for nominations for the Under 40 awards is Fall 2025.

AAWCC will review each nomination. Please be accurate, brief, and convincing. The nomination includes:

  • Basic demographic information
  • Personal description (not to exceed 300 words) that describes the nominee's accomplishments and impact. 
  • Statement of support from a campus leader (vice president or above, if possible). This is a supplemental statement of 150 words or less containing relevant community college and/or contextual information that supports the information.
  • A head shot of the nominee is also required. 
Previously named AAWCC Under 40 recipients are ineligible for recognition. The Under 40 class will be featured on the AAWCC website and at our annual Leadership Conference in October, along with other opportunities.

Model Programs Awards

The purpose of the Model Programs Award initiative is to: increase AAWCC membership and enhance participation in AAWCC activities in community collegesencourage the development of mentoring experiences for women, and promote the sharing of information about programs and activities that support women in community colleges.

Applicants for the Model Program Award choose one of the following four categories: 

  1. Program Award: national recognition of an official AAWCC chapter and its members who make a significant contribution on behalf of women through a major project, event or program. Past winners of this award conducted one major annual fundraiser to support an entire year's worth of activities or delivered monthly educational sessions to college and community women. Programs may be in person or virtual.
  2. Day of Dialogue Award: recognition of programs and/or chapters that promote and advocate for women through participation in AAWCC's Day of Dialogue program. This award recognizes chapters that develop an engaging, educating, and creative local program expanding on the annual theme. The 2021 Theme was "Climate Justice is Justice for Women."
  3. Chapter Award: national recognition of an official AAWCC chapter and its members who, through a variety of programs and/or services, have made significant contributions on behalf of women. The applicant must demonstrate that the AAWCC chapter involved meets all the requirements established by AAWCC for chapter designation. Past winners were chapters that offered educational programs for women, sponsored scholarships for women, contributed to community agencies or events on behalf of women, and/or made a difference at their college campus for women.
  4. Community College Award: national recognition of a community college for a program or programs that demonstrate a commitment to equity and excellence for women on campus. Past winners have created such programs as a leadership academy for women that involves challenging professional development activities that promote career advancement.

The American Association for Women in Community Colleges changes women’s lives through education, service and leadership development.


AAWCC, P.O. Box 32682 Pikesville, MD 21282-9998

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