American Association for Women in Community Colleges |
President's Message
Through our programming throughout the year, we hope to provide you meaningful and engaging opportunities to learn and connect with other women who are committed to the mission of community colleges across the country. Please watch for invitations to virtual presentations that will be provided this year, look forward to the next Leaders Institute being held next summer, continue to visit our website for updates (and anticipate a new look to our website soon!), and stay tuned for the very exciting in-person AAWCC conference being planned for fall 2024 to commemorate our 50th year anniversary! My focus and commitment to you and to AAWCC will be to continue to further the mission of our organization and to create opportunities to elevate, support and promote the diverse voices and experiences of women at our community colleges, and to find ways to equitably support the success of all women in our higher education sector. We are in challenging and exciting times both in our country and at our colleges. Let us come to together to find strength and resilience in our personal growth and the growth of our women colleagues. I’m looking forward to our collaborations and collective efforts in advancing women in community colleges and AAWCC. Best wishes, Suzanne M. Johnson, Ph.D. |